Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Love Play Dates!!

When the twins were born, I knew NO SAHMs!! Not a one. So when Brian and I made the decision that I was going to stay home with Alex and Gray, I MADE the decision to find some other SAHMs.

I was lucky to stumble upon a great group of women on CafeMom. Most of these moms had known each other for years... and I was so glad they welcomed me in with open arms.

They are all different ages, with different beliefs and backgrounds. But it's so cool how everyone gets along so well. I believe it's because we all have one thing in common; To be the best moms we can be!!

We, the group (or at least some of us), get together at least once a week or so. Recently, we went to the Fort Worth Children's Museum... stay tuned for that blog.

Last week, we meet up for a park play date with our friend Erica and her sweet kiddos, William and Emily.

William is a few months older than Alexandra and Gray but him and Gray are quickly becoming good friends. They both share a love for cars LOL.

Alex and Gray playing in the wood chips

Alex talking to her friend William. I am sure she was being bossy.

Gray loving on Slim, William's doggy.

 Love her!!

Mama and her sweet boy!!! I HEART this picture.

Mama and her sweet girl...