Alexandra made sure she had the perfect outfit on and Gray made sure he didn't look like a girl.
See... I bought him this overall jump-suit and it seems it may have been a little on the femine side, though it is a little boys jumper. In fact, we questioned everyone that came by whether it was a little girl's outfit or little boy's. Yes, I know I am silly LOL.
So what do you think?
Thank you for voting, if you did :)
Back to the BBQ:
I started getting ready for Sunday's festivities on Friday. Working from home, taking care of the monsters, and taking care of the house is quite a duty. Then add in "super" cleaning and cooking and it gets pretty hectic.
But with careful planning and preparation, things went very well. We had BBQ chicken (I tried a new recipe...hopefully it was yummy), Bush's grilling beans, salad, grilled corn and the HIT OF THE NIGHT: baked Macaroni and Cheese!!! Not to mention red, ripe, watermelon, apple pie (thank you Steph-a-nuplous), salsa and gucamole... MMM mm m yummy!!
Tiffany and Clint were the first to arrive. Tiffany had been sending me text messages for the last two weeks telling me she was going to spoil the babies and smother them in kisses. And boy did she!! The twins love their Aunt Tiffners. We were so glad that both her and Clint came by. They make us all happy.
Next to arrive was Sebastian, Stephanie and their little boy (Alex's BF) Peyton. Stephanie is an awesome mother! I have learned a lot from her. Plus, she brought pie and cut Grayson's finger nails LOL. Seriously though, the twins really enjoy playing with Peyton. He can teach them so much at a babies' level since I am convinced that babies can communicate with each other.
Last to arrive was Dustin and his new gf Kim. It has been a couple of years since all of us (Brian, Clint, Dustin and I) have all been together. We used to be the "gang" but as we all have gotten older and busier it's been harder getting together all at once. Plus, Dustin move to Colorado for a little over year as well. SO we will blame it on him HAHAHAHA
Unfortunately a few of our friends weren't able to make it. Aubrey had tubes put in her ears on Friday and wasn't feeling well. Which is totally understandable. We hope she gets better soon, though!! And Cade really wanted to come but one of his very, very close friends is really sick. Our prayers and thoughts are with her and her family.
Hopefully, we will have another BBQ soon and everyone will be there!! Ciao!
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