This past weekend, we were invited to the twins' first birthday party.
It was in Irving, where their daddy, Brian, grew up. And the event just so happened to take place at a location Brian frequented as a child, Crystal's Pizza.
Now, to the close-minded eye, this place looked a tad bit scary. But when you entered this purple palace (yes, it truly was a palace) it felt magical. From the buffet of Itallian food to the "Library" where Jacob Stewart's 2nd birthday was being held. I suppose the magic came from the gold fish filled aquarium/table that hyponotized...
It was in Irving, where their daddy, Brian, grew up. And the event just so happened to take place at a location Brian frequented as a child, Crystal's Pizza.
Now, to the close-minded eye, this place looked a tad bit scary. But when you entered this purple palace (yes, it truly was a palace) it felt magical. From the buffet of Itallian food to the "Library" where Jacob Stewart's 2nd birthday was being held. I suppose the magic came from the gold fish filled aquarium/table that hyponotized...

Jacob is the son of Casey and Christy Stewart. Casey and Brian grew up with each and now our children will grow up together.
Okay, back to the subject!! LOL
The laughter of over sugared children and the crying of tired children filled the air. But smiles ran rapid! Unfortunately, the twins are too young to enjoy this type of atmosphere. In fact, they slept almost the entire time.
When they did awaken, they were past around like hot potatoes. Thankfully, it was after Jacob's party.
So I would say the adventure was a success. The next birthday party, Miss. Aubrey Boo's!! We all are very excited about that.
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