Friday, February 20, 2009

The Front Yard of The Real World

Recently, with the nice weather, the kids and I have been playing a lot in the front yard.

We practice our walking, walking fast (running), laughing, kissing flowers, picking flowers, playing hide and seek around the "stick" of a tree, looking in the sky for helicopters and planes, and brushing the clovers in our grass/ weeds.

Yes folks, you read that right.

We brush our clovers. Or should I say, Alex brushes our clovers. And boy does she do a GREAT job!!

Grayson and I practice running and getting dirty. He is great at doing both. I even had to resist being one of "those" moms who freaks out about their kids getting dirty!! I LOVED dirt when I was their age... and I have a washing machine so who cares... get DIIIRTTTY monsters.


Here are a couple of other shots from the day that I adore. You can really tell that they are growing up in these photos.In fact, Brian and I were looking at pictures from Christmas 2008 and were amazed with how much each of them have changed and grown.

The above photo captures so much. I wish there was sound in that picture. You could hear the deep giggles of baby A' Lu and the quiet snickers of Gray Bug. Oh, and please excuse my toes LOL


luvDuke said...

I LOVE IT!! I feel like I am there to see it!! How cute!! Thank you for being so expressive in your writing, it makes the words and pictures come alive!! They are so sweet and your toes are cute too!! Yes, don't worry about the dirt, you have a wash cloth for their faces and a machine for the clothes!! Besides, it helps them with!! love ya all! oxox

luvDuke said...

oh and I love the picture of Grayson where you must have been laying on the ground to get the picture of his face and the sky as the background... fabulous!! You are a great photographer!!