From running around, to stealing balloons (GRAYSON!!), to taking the tissue paper out of the gifts (ALEXANDRA!!). It doesn't stop. LOL
Luckily for me, I have great friends that always help and don't mind if the kids run around a bit. So a special thank you to all of my friends and family who have lent a helping hand or two :)
The first party of "BIRTHDAY PARTY WEEKEND" was Miss A's. It was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme... which just so happens to be Alex and Gray's new favorite cartoon. They loved the balloons, cake, Minnie Mouse dolls, and hot dogs in that order LOL.
Ryndi and Justin through another successful party. I cannot believe their little girl, Miss A., is 2 years old!! She talks, sings, dances and wears sunglasses. She's like a teenager but nicer!! I <3>

Question for all you mom's... especially you mom's of toddler twins: How do you keep up with your child/ children at parties like this?

The last party of "Birthday Party Weekend" was actually on a Monday LOL. But being a SAHM, everyday is the same... so I am going to call it a weekend!! :)
This party was such a neat idea and don't be shocked if you see me use it in the future.
Miss V turned 3 and had her birthday Party at the Carousel in the Mall!! How cool is that?! All of the kids loved it... and so did the parents.
Alex and Gray had never been on a Carousel and were in awe with it. The colors, the music, the mirrors, the animals... it was like a dream for them. Plus, they were on a bit of a sugar high from the delicious cookie cake that Miss V had for her birthday. I, personally, had never had one and was super impressed.
I was also impressed on the way the monsters acted on the Carousel. They did amazing!! Oh, and Gray had his trusty balloon with him the whole time, which he stole as soon as he got to the party. :)
Question for all you mom's... especially you mom's of toddler twins: How do you keep up with your child/ children at parties like this?
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