Monday, January 25, 2010

Let the Intros Begin!!

Dalton Wesley Stone
Born: December 16, 2009
Time: 6:07 pm
Weight: 8lbs 10oz
Length: 21 inches

So, I am obviously behind on my blogging but for good reason!! I have been very busy. Thankfully, things are starting to slow down and fall into routine which will allow me to catch up with family, friends and blogs!!

On with the BLOG!!

Please welcome the newest member of the Stone household; Dalton Wesley.

Otherwise known as Baby Dalton, Baby Dal, Piggy Dal, D Dub, Dub Dub, DW, Bubba, Butters, Sugars and Dalton. If you haven't noticed, nicknames run rampant in our household. :)

Here's the story of our exciting birth day!! Do enjoy.

December 16 was just another normal weekly check up. The twins and I headed out quickly with the intent to be home by 10am to eat breakfast, relax and wrap Christmas presents.

So, we get to the doctor's office and we are seen right away. With the holidays so close, they weren't very busy. The nurse weighed me in and looks at me with disappointment; I lost another 2 pounds. Then she has me sit down so she can take my blood pressure.

This is where it gets exciting!!

My blood pressure had been fluctuating from low to high for the last two months of my pregnancy. This time, when she took it, my blood pressure was the highest it has ever been!! 150/100!!!

She had the room door open because the twins were chit chatting with the other nurses and doctors and we were all joking about. Well, my doctor, Dr. Barbara Coulter-Smith, D.O., was right there and when she heard that... she retested my BP. She came up with the same reading and looked at me and said, "How do you feel about having a baby today?" LOL. I was like, "Can I go home and get my stuff and do my hair?" She laughed and said, "No, you are going to Labor and Delivery right now. With BP like that, we do not need to risk anything. I will meet you over there in about 15 minutes."

I almost thought she was joking. Heck, maybe I wished she was joking. The house was a mess. My hair wasn't done. Brian was working a LARGE job. Alex and Gray were hungry (and so was I!!). Not to mention, Brian and I were behind on getting baby stuff together and the baby had no where to sleep!!!

Still in shock, I called Brian and tell him Alex, Gray and I are headed to Labor and delivery. He thought I was kidding. I had to assure him I was not. I then called my mom. She was ecstatic!! Then the twins and I headed across the street to Labor and Delivery (nice and convenient).

When I got to LD, I checked in and I got this sense of shock. The people checking me in were like, "You are having a baby? How old are they?" as they looked at the twins... Folks, this isn't rocket science!! LOL

Thankfully, I had an awesome nurse; Nurse Melinda. She was a lively nurse with a great sense of humor. I can't imagine what would have happened if they paired me with someone who wasn't funny.

While I was getting dressed in my "fabulous" gown, she turned on Sesame Street for the kids and got them breakfast since I had mentioned none of us had ate. I don't think I could have asked for a better Labor and Delivery nurse. Oh, and she is a mom of 3 year old twin girls and a 2 year old girl...

Never being in Labor and Delivery (the twins were a scheduled c-section) it was all very new to me. I was lucky though!! Nurse Melinda had just started her shift and I was her only patient, meaning, I was going to be waited on hand and foot!! Okay, not really. I was considered high risk since I was attempting a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) so they, the Doctors and Nurses, wanted to keep a closer eye on me.

Dr. Coulter-Smith came in, as she said, about 15 minutes after I had gotten there. She checked my cervix and such... I was progressing well and was having contractions that I wasn't aware of. Dr. Coulter-Smither then said she was going to break my water around noon to help things get going.

This scared me a little bit. I had seen these big crochet looking things they use to break the water and I was afraid it would hurt or hurt the baby. So when Dr. Coulter-Smith came back at 12:05pm... I asked her, "how much is it going to hurt when you break my water?" She laughed and said, "It's not going to hurt. It's going to feel like an exam. The water will be WET and warm." I then replied back with, "You are just telling me that so I won't be scared. I know it's going to hurt!!" LOL. During this "conversation", she broke my water and I was SOAKING WET. It was the grossest feeling.

Just after she broke my water, Brian showed up. He was still a bit shocked but then said, "I knew today was the day, sug." I had not felt well the evening before. I was dizzy, and couldn't eat much of the yummy tacos I made. Not to mention, I feel asleep on the couch around 8!!

Terry and Craig (Brian's parents) got to the hospital not too long after Brian got there. They took care of Alexandra and Gray. Which, by the way, the twins were EXCELLENT during this whole process. They were in their stroller for a couple of hours... eating graham crackers, drinking water and watching KERA.

When Terry and Craig got there... they took the twins to get lunch, Arby's to be exact. The they went shopping at Target LOL. Love Target.

Around 3pm, my contractions started getting stronger. In fact, I was finally able to feel them!! LOL. I was at 7cm and decided to get my epidural and boy I am glad I did!! by 5:15pm I was 9cm and by 5:30pm I was complete.

Did I mention I was facebooking this whole time?! Yes folks, I updated my status the whole time. Well, at least the whole time I was bored waiting to push.

Dr. Coulter-Smith was with me from 5:15pm until I had Dalton (she is FANTASTIC!!).

At 5:45 everything was set up to push... My doctor's son had his first band recital at 7pm and my nurse's shift ended at 7pm so I knew the baby needed to be out soon so they could be with their families. After 6 sets of three pushes... Dalton was born pink and crying at 6:07pm!!

It was such a great feeling. No one in the room knew what sex the baby was which was extra special.

Brian had to walk out on my last push because he was feeling "hot". But he ran back in when he heard the sounds of a newborn baby's cry. While my doctor was suctioning out Dalton's mouth..... I was like "Well!! What is the baby?!?!" She started laughing and said she hadn't looked yet. So she showed me!! A sweet baby boy :)

Having a successful VBAC was such a wonderful blessing. Only bad thing is... his right clavicle broke during labor. I had an epsiotomy (she cut me I didn't tear)... but my pelvic was too small to push him through without his clavicle breaking. In fact... my doctor was saying she was worried I wouldn't be able to get his head through my pelvic... but I did!!

No one realized how big Dalton was while he was in my tummy. I only gained 8 lbs during pregnancy... and I didn't look huge. Dalton, however, is a BIG BOY!! 8 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long.

We are both doing very well. He eats a LOT, sleeps, and poops. He's very healthy and extremely sweet.

Alexandra and Grayson took a couple of days to understand Baby Dalton wasn't going anywhere. Gray wanted me to hold him when I was holding Dal so I think that was his sign of jealously. Alex just wanted to be carried... They have both returned back to normal though!!

I try to include them in as many activities involving Dalton as possible. Not to mention, I love on them as always!!

Brian and I are very lucky to have such a wonderful, HEALTHY, little family.

Oh... and to all those woman who are considering a VBAC, I have to say go for it!! My recovery was super quick compared to my c-section. I was up walking around the evening I had Dalton. It was one of the best decisions I have made.


Melissa said...

Awwww soooo happy for you guys!!!! And so glad that the labor and delivery went so well. I am impressed with you and your adorable family. You are an amazing Mama!!! Trust me I will definitely be seeking you out for advice when I have the little ones of my own. Thanks for sharing Baby Dalton's birth story!!!! <3

Deb said...

Wow what a day...he is so cute...I'm excited about our little West being born in July