Monday, April 19, 2010

We be Grubbin'

Wow!! I have a lot to catch up on.

First, I wanted to thank all of our new followers and give ya'll a "cyber wave" :) Yes I am a dork!! I think we established that somewhere in one of the many other posts.

This is just a sneak peak into the info I am going to post about tomorrow. I was just too excited not to share SOMETHING today.

Friday, Alexandra, Gray, Dalton and I went to visit Dr. Dickey, the kids' pediatrician. It was time for Baby Dal's 4 month check up (you have to wait for tomorrow for more on that).

The twins were so excited. They really love her as do I. I think she's terrific.

We were greeted with smiles and an examination of Dal. And best of all, she gave me the okay to introduce FOOD to Dalton. I asked if I should start with rice cereal, then move to veggies, fruit then meat... and she said no, to my amazement. She said there was a new allergy study done... and it actually proved that introducing foods later in a baby's life did not prevent allergies. In fact, the study showed children who had eaten foods earlier had less food allergies and local allergies.

So last night, I feed Dalton some of Earth's Best Plum Banana Brown Rice (Target had them on sale for $.62). He L.O.V.E.D it!! He ate more than half the jar, plus nursed.

This morning he finished the rest of the jar and seems to be really enjoying it....Like the twins he is not a messy eater which makes for a happy mommy.


Deb said...

he is a cutie pie...