Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Twins' First Hippty Hop Hop Easter

Preparing an infant, your husband and yourself to go to a family function is a bit stressful. Add an additional infant and things get a little hectic! Diapers get thrown... Shoes get put on the wrong foot...spit-up goes flying. It's like a Family Circus comic.

I knew this going into Easter Day. I have had a couple of practice runs I suppose. But now that the twins are four months old, I feel like I need to "dress" them and not leave them in their "sleep & plays." Man!! I love "sleep & plays." For those of you who do not know what a sleep and play is, and I didn't before I had the babies, its a jumper suit with feet so their tootsies are always warm. They are wonderful!!

Anywho, Brian and I woke up at 7am and started preparing for everything. He prepared his toaster struddles as I prepared the babies'.

I gathered Grayson's romper and Alexandra's dress and made sure that they were ironed. Next, I had to find their shoes. Shoes are very important. They are like the punctuation mark at the end of a sentence; Without shoes, the outfit isn't complete. I opted for Gray's dinosaur Vans and Alexandra's white and pink sandals.

Everything was set out and perfect! Or so I thought. I had not yet made Lexee's flower for her head band!! ack. So I whipped that together quickly.

5 1/2 hours LATER we were ready to go. Everyone was bathed and dressed. I was stoked because we were actually on time. YAY!!! :)

We headed over to Brian's Aunt Julie's house and had a wonderful lunch with the whole family (30 people or so). Everyone was shocked at how big and alert the twins were. The twins were chit chatting with everyone. It was great. And they were absolutely the most precious things there. Granted, I may be a tad bit biased. But seriously, the cutest kids ever!!

The day was a success though the function was half as long as the preparation. Then again, I think that's the way it always is.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Play-Date... Cry-a-Thon!!

Oh how I love to get out of the house and have some adult interaction!! So when Stephanie called and invited the twins and I over for a lunch play date yesterday, I was stoked.

The morning started off well...Feed the twins, then Steph called. GREAT!! She gave me plenty of time to get everything in order.

1. Feed the twins (it's 9am)
2. Give them a bath
3. Get them ready for the day
4. Take a shower, put make up on, get dressed
5. Feed babies
6. Feed & water fur babies (the dogs)
7. LEAVE!! (it's 1:15pm)

So we get to the House of Labonne a little later then planned. Alexandra was being a bit difficult at her lunch feeding. That should have been my indication that things weren't going to be super smooth.

Stephanie greets us at the door and we are promptly welcomed into her home. She has a gorgeous home, by the way.

Off to the kitchen we go!! And there's Mr. Peyton eating his nummies. He is super cute and just 4 months older then the twins so they will grow up together.

As Steph and I eat chips and salsa... Grayson and Peyton get to know one another, again. They have met previously but since they are always changing its always a new introduction. Babies are like sunsets... they technically always the same but different in so many ways.

Meanwhile, Alex is sitting contently on my lap as I was telling Steph about how I was a bad finger nail cutter. I not only cut Gray once that day cutting his finger nails, I cut him twice!!! I am so horrible. So she was like, "I am pro!! I will cut them for him." And boy is she a PRO! I am way jealous of her ability to cut the little dagers on the ends of babies' fingers. I think I may hire her. :)

By this time... Miss Lexee Lu Lu is getting fussy. So Aunty Steph takes over and I relocate the boys to living room where they are having a blast!! Giggles and a-goos ran rapid thru the air.

While the boys' happiness ran amock, the cries of diva became overwhelming.
I could not believe her!! She is never this unhappy unless she has a gas bubble which apparently she had a HUGE one. She cried and screamed and cried and screamed for a good 30 minutes. The only way I was able to soothe her was to lay her on my tummy in a "C" snuggle.

So the snuggler, Steph and I ate our burgers and the best Mushrooms ever!!
The Mushrooms were fabulous but hard to describe. The flavors were suttle and the olive oil pure and fine. Just the right amount of spices. The texture of the mushrooms were not like the normal button mushrooms either. They were a super mushroom!! LOL

Then the sandman sprinkled some fine grains of sleep and it was nap time for all. Mr. Pey was first, then Lexee and finally Gray Bug. Nite nite babies...sweet dreams.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My mom & dad grew up with your mom & dad!!

This past weekend, we were invited to the twins' first birthday party.

It was in Irving, where their daddy, Brian, grew up. And the event just so happened to take place at a location Brian frequented as a child, Crystal's Pizza.

Now, to the close-minded eye, this place looked a tad bit scary. But when you entered this purple palace (yes, it truly was a palace) it felt magical. From the buffet of Itallian food to the "Library" where Jacob Stewart's 2nd birthday was being held. I suppose the magic came from the gold fish filled aquarium/table that hyponotized...

Jacob is the son of Casey and Christy Stewart. Casey and Brian grew up with each and now our children will grow up together.

Okay, back to the subject!! LOL

The laughter of over sugared children and the crying of tired children filled the air. But smiles ran rapid! Unfortunately, the twins are too young to enjoy this type of atmosphere. In fact, they slept almost the entire time.

When they did awaken, they were past around like hot potatoes. Thankfully, it was after Jacob's party.

So I would say the adventure was a success. The next birthday party, Miss. Aubrey Boo's!! We all are very excited about that.

Friday, March 7, 2008

... so the journey has begun

Or should I say we are 3 months, 2 weeks and 6 days into it.

My darling twins were brought into this world November 16, 2007. The day will be forever etched into my memories... What sweet memories.

The precious music of crying warmed my heart as tears streamed down my face. The longing to see the faces we had named and loved for over 9 months was over. Our job as parents has just started.

Fast forward to today.

The twins are twice the size they were when they were born!! They coo and ga and I swear say "okay". Their smiles are contagious and if your ears are lucky enough you will hear the sweet sound of baby giggles.

Grayson, Gray, mama's Gray Bug, loves to hear me sing the ABC's. Can I sing? Goodness no. But I will do anything to see the big cheese ball grin he sports even if that means singing off key.

Alexandra, Alex, mama's Lexee Lu , loves to be told she's beautiful. And though I have to "fake" my singing with Gray, I never have to fake the fact that SHE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL little girl I have ever seen. Her soft brown hair, her grey, almond shaped eyes... and her cute little croaked smile leaves me in "awe".

They have recently started grabbing for things out of their reach. It amazes me. They have reached all of the milestones set for singletons their age though they were four weeks early.

Two days ago, Grayson decided he would use his daddy's hand to pull him into a sitting position. Brian and I looked at one another in amazement!! Our little man wants to sit up on his own. He no longer wants mommy and daddy to prop him up. Man o Man... these BebePod's their Uncle Rudy got them are going to be wonderful in up incoming weeks.

Yesterday morning, I was awaken by giggling. Oh how I love to hear the sound of baby laughter. It can turn a horrible day into a great day. My good friend Ryndi shared a story with me a couple of months ago. Her daughter, Aubrey Boo, was 8 months old. Ryndi had an awful day... and when she got home she was a little down. Well, that's when it happened, Aubrey crawled for the first time. Ryndi and her husband Justin clapped and cheered and then Miss Aubrey did the same thing. Ryndi told me this story and how it effected her. She realized everything was going to be okay. Her story gave me so much strength. Not because I was down but because she was right. We live for our children. Our precious babies. And if I could start each day with a giggle or even a cry for my darling twins it will be a dream come true.